Hard Rock Casino PSP Game Trailer
SpiderMan Web of Shadows Missions Interview PSP Game Trailer
Dissidia Final Fantasy PSP Game Trailer 3
Star Ocean First Departure PSP Game Trailer
Patapon 2 PSP Game Trailer
Garnet Chronicle PSP Game Trailer
Mytran Wars PSP Game Trailer
Shaun White Snowboarding PSP Game Trailer
SpiderMan Web of Shadows Survival Guide PSP Game Trailer
Ikki Tousen Eloquent Fist Japanese Gameplay PSP Game Trailer
Dynasty Warriors PSP Game Trailer
Katekyoo HR KYD Japanese PSP Game Trailer
NBA The Inside Trailer
Tom Clancy's EndWar Theater of War Trailer
Need For Speed: Undercover
TGS 2008: Ushiro Trailer
PlayStation Portable (PSP)
Oct 14, 2008
Oct 9, 2008
Preview PSP Games By Youtube at 09-10-2008
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes PSP TRAILER!
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2 PSP TRAILER
Star Ocean: First Departure Trailer PSP
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
NBA live 09 2 on 2 gameplay PSP
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2 PSP TRAILER
Star Ocean: First Departure Trailer PSP
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
NBA live 09 2 on 2 gameplay PSP
Oct 8, 2008
Preview PSP Games By Youtube at 08-10-2008
Silent Hill: Origins (PSP)
Mytran Wars in-game trailer PSP
Tekken Dark Resurrection - Free Psp Games
Fifa 09 PSP Gameplay Footage
Tony Hawk's Project 8 PSP
Daxter - Free Psp Games
Digimon World PSP
[SG:PSP] Limerick Competition
Lego Batman the video game REVIEW
Mytran Wars Debut Trailer for PSP
Hentai Sexy Pink Girl Playing Games
Oie! RPG
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters Trailer
Top 10 PSP Games of All Time
Mytran Wars in-game trailer PSP
Tekken Dark Resurrection - Free Psp Games
Fifa 09 PSP Gameplay Footage
Tony Hawk's Project 8 PSP
Daxter - Free Psp Games
Digimon World PSP
[SG:PSP] Limerick Competition
Lego Batman the video game REVIEW
Mytran Wars Debut Trailer for PSP
Hentai Sexy Pink Girl Playing Games
Oie! RPG
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters Trailer
Top 10 PSP Games of All Time
Sep 30, 2008
Format Flash1?
Recovery Mode?

1. push a button , Power , go up be unfinished until switch off , if , be not sure use take off the charcoal adds
2. new press , R , be unfinished keep , push , Power , go up by don't liberate , R
3. , if , the monitor is stilling is come dark press , fine the light washes
4. please if , misfire really suggest give , UP FW , The new , note , FW , that have no , OE , or , , M33 , attach must not try please ( yes sir ) ,
What's Pandora?

Pandora , be , repairing equipment , FW , genuine play , ISO CSO , get every version , of , FW , The genuine , by , the equipment that must have , be , battery , and memory , genuine or , copy , all right , the way does can get general in the board , version , now of , OS Pandora , be known that , , Despertar del Cementerio V3 , which , can can use both of completely , FAT , and , SLIM , the hardware modifies battery , can get general , can use of version , ? come to modify battery , all right , but , slim , must use modify battery , this from only http://www.flashfly.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=145503 ,
PSP Plug's zone
American Samoa, Anguilla, Antigua, Aruba, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Bermuda, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Cayman Islands, China (without holes in blades and slightly shorter blades), Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guam, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Japan, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Maldives, Mexico, Micronesia, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Nicaragua, Niger, Okinawa, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, St. Vincent, Saudi Arabia, Tahiti, Taiwan, Thailand, United States, Venezuela, Vietnam, Virgin Islands (U.S.& British), Yemen

All of the above noted for Type A except Bangladesh, Bolivia, Cambodia, China, Dominican Republic, Korea, Liberia, Maldives, Peru, St. Vincent, Tahiti, Thailand, Vietnam, Yemen.
Also found in Azores, Belize, Trinidad and Tobago

Albania, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Austria, Azores, Balearic Islands, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canary Islands, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Channel Islands, Chile, Comoros, Congo, Croatia, Dem. Rep. of Congo (Zaire), Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Cyrpus, Denmark, Djibouti, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Faeroe Islands, Finland, French Guiana, Gabon, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Guadeloupe, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Isle of Man, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Madagascar, Madeira, Mali, Martinique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Monaco, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Netherlands, Niger, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, St. Vincent, Senegal, Serbia, Slovenia, Somalia, Spain, Sudan, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uruguay, Vietnam, Yugoslavia (former), Zambia

Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin, Botswana, Cameroon, Chad, Dem. Rep. of Congo (Zaire), Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia, French Guiana, Ghana, Greece, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Hong Kong, India, Iraq, Jerusalem, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Macao, Madagascar, Maldives, Martinique, Monaco, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, St. Kitts-Nevis, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Belgium, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canary Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Czech Republic, Djibouti, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, France, French Guiana, Greece, Guadeloupe, Ireland, Indonesia, Italy, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Madagascar, Mali, Martinique, Monaco, Morocco, Niger, Poland, St. Vincent, Senegal, Slovakia, Syria, Tahiti, Tunisia.

Algeria, American Samoa, Aruba, Austria, Azores, Balearic Islands, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Cape Verde, Chad, Croatia, El Salvador, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guinea, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Italy, Jordan, Korea, Laos, Luxembourg, Madeira, Monaco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, Niger, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Suriname, Sweden, Turkey, Uruguay. Yugoslavia (former).

Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belize, Botswana, Brunei, Cameroon, Channel Islands, China, Cyprus, Dominica, El Salvador, Gambia, Ghana, Gibraltar, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Hong Kong, Iraq, Ireland, Isle of Man, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macau, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar, St. Kitts-Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Tanzania, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

Gaza, Israel

American Samoa, Argentina, Australia, China, El Salvador, Fiji, Guatemala, Kiribati, Nauru, New Zealand, Okinawa, Panama, Papua New Guinea, St. Vincent, Tajikistan, Tonga, Uruguay

El Salvador, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Maldives, Rwanda, Switzerland
Bangladesh, Denmark, Faeroe Islands, Greenland, Guinea, Madagascar, Maldives, St. Vincent, Senegal, Tunisia

Chile, Cuba, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Italy, Maldives, Syria, Tunisia, Uruguay

Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland.

All of the above noted for Type A except Bangladesh, Bolivia, Cambodia, China, Dominican Republic, Korea, Liberia, Maldives, Peru, St. Vincent, Tahiti, Thailand, Vietnam, Yemen.
Also found in Azores, Belize, Trinidad and Tobago

Albania, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Austria, Azores, Balearic Islands, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canary Islands, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Channel Islands, Chile, Comoros, Congo, Croatia, Dem. Rep. of Congo (Zaire), Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Cyrpus, Denmark, Djibouti, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Faeroe Islands, Finland, French Guiana, Gabon, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Guadeloupe, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Isle of Man, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Madagascar, Madeira, Mali, Martinique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Monaco, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Netherlands, Niger, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, St. Vincent, Senegal, Serbia, Slovenia, Somalia, Spain, Sudan, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uruguay, Vietnam, Yugoslavia (former), Zambia

Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin, Botswana, Cameroon, Chad, Dem. Rep. of Congo (Zaire), Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia, French Guiana, Ghana, Greece, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Hong Kong, India, Iraq, Jerusalem, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Macao, Madagascar, Maldives, Martinique, Monaco, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, St. Kitts-Nevis, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Belgium, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canary Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Czech Republic, Djibouti, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, France, French Guiana, Greece, Guadeloupe, Ireland, Indonesia, Italy, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Madagascar, Mali, Martinique, Monaco, Morocco, Niger, Poland, St. Vincent, Senegal, Slovakia, Syria, Tahiti, Tunisia.

Algeria, American Samoa, Aruba, Austria, Azores, Balearic Islands, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Cape Verde, Chad, Croatia, El Salvador, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guinea, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Italy, Jordan, Korea, Laos, Luxembourg, Madeira, Monaco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, Niger, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Suriname, Sweden, Turkey, Uruguay. Yugoslavia (former).

Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belize, Botswana, Brunei, Cameroon, Channel Islands, China, Cyprus, Dominica, El Salvador, Gambia, Ghana, Gibraltar, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Hong Kong, Iraq, Ireland, Isle of Man, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macau, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar, St. Kitts-Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Tanzania, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

Gaza, Israel

American Samoa, Argentina, Australia, China, El Salvador, Fiji, Guatemala, Kiribati, Nauru, New Zealand, Okinawa, Panama, Papua New Guinea, St. Vincent, Tajikistan, Tonga, Uruguay

El Salvador, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Maldives, Rwanda, Switzerland
Bangladesh, Denmark, Faeroe Islands, Greenland, Guinea, Madagascar, Maldives, St. Vincent, Senegal, Tunisia

Chile, Cuba, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Italy, Maldives, Syria, Tunisia, Uruguay

Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland.

3.10 OE-A differ from 3.10 OE-A' ?

1.DaX has upgraded his custom firmware 3.10 OE-A to 3.10 OE-A’. This update corrects the bug that causes a 0×80020148 error in games like Metal Slug 6 and others.If you don’t play to many PSX games then this won’t be needed. This is not a “full install” like 3.10 OE-A, so it’s just a single eboot that updates only the necessary files.
2. Originally Posted by Dark_AleX
This update requires 3.10 OE to be installed (program will check it this time, to avoid semi-bricks
in previous versions).
Copy the 310_a2update directory to /PSP/GAME150 in your memstick, and run it.
- Corrected a bug that caused Metal Slug 6 (from Metal Slug Anthology), and other umd/iso games
containing a static elf to show error 0x80020148.
CREDITS : http://www.flashfly.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=116376
PSP firmware

12 December 2004 : PSP firmware 1.00
24 March 2005 : PSP firmware 1.50
11 May 2005 : PSP firmware 1.51
08 June 2005 : PSP firmware 1.52
27 July 2005 : PSP firmware 2.00
03 October 2005 : PSP firmware 2.01
13 October 2005 : PSP firmware 2.50
29 November 2005 : PSP firmware 2.60
25 April 2006 : PSP firmware 2.70
01 June 2006 : PSP firmware 2.71
27 July 2006 : PSP firmware 2.80
07 August 2006 : PSP firmware 2.81
26 October 2006 : PSP firmware 2.82
21 Novenber 2006 : PSP firmware 3.00
22 November 2006 : PSP firmware 3.01
06 December 2006 : PSP firmware 3.02
20 December 2006 : PSP firmware 3.03
30 January 2007 : PSP firmware 3.10
08 February 2007 : PSP firmware 3.11
28 March 2007 : PSP firmware 3.30
19 April 2007 : PSP firmware 3.40
31 May 2007 : PSP firmware 3.50
29 June 2007 : PSP firmware 3.51
23 July 2007 : PSP firmware 3.52
11 September 2007 : PSP firmware 3.70
13 September 2007 : PSP firmware 3.71

12 December 2004 : PSP-1000, PSP-1000 K
24 March 2005 : PSP-1001 K
02 May 2005 : PSP-1005 K
12 May 2005 : PSP-1006 K, PSP-1007 K
01 September 2005 : PSP-1002 K, PSP-1003 K, PSP-1004 K
15 September 2005 : PSP-1000 KCW
17 November 2005 : PSP-1000 G1, PSP-1000 G1CW, PSP-1001 G1, PSP-1002 G1, PSP-1003 G1, PSP-1004 G1, PSP-1005 G1, PSP-1006 G1, PSP-1006 G1CW, PSP-1007 G1, PSP-1008 K, PSP-1008 G1, PSP-1009 K, PSP-1009 G1
22 March 2006 : PSP-1000 CW, PSP-1001, PSP-1010 K
15 May 2006 : PSP-1002 KCW, PSP-1003 KCW, PSP-1004 KCW, PSP-1008 KCW
15 June 2006 : PSPJ10001
13 July 2006 : PSPJ10002, PSPJ10003
19 October 2006 : PSPJ10004, PSPJ10005
22 November 2006 : PSP-1000 PK
14 December 2006 : PSP-1000 SV
21 December 2006 : PSP-1000 MB, PSPJ10006 22 February 2007 : PSP-1000 CG
22 February 2007 : PSP-1000 CG
26 July 2007 : PSPJ-10007, PSPJ-10008
01 September 2007 : PSP-2006 PB, PSP-2006 CW, PSP-2006 IS
13 September 2007 : PSP-2000 ZS
20 September 2007 : PSP-2000 PB, PSP-2000 CW, PSP-2000 IS, PSP-2000 RP, PSP-2000 LP, PSP-2000 FB
PSP-100X series : sell where else?

PSP-1000 series : sell in Japan
PSP-1001 series : sell in The United States of America , and Canada
PSP-1002 series : sell in the country , New Zealand , and , Australia
PSP-1003 series : sell in England
PSP-1004 series : sell in other country , in Europe , at not England
PSP-1005 series : sell in the Korea
PSP-1006 series : sell in Hong Kong island
PSP-1007 series : sell in Taiwan island
PSP-1008 series : sell in the iron curtain
PSP-1009 series : sell in the People's Republic of China
PSP-1010 series : sell in provincial Middle East country
come to reach Recovery Mode like must not close ,

thatting bored with with something ,close before ? that don't want to press R be unfinished ? that want only set a little will close ?
for , FW 3.0X OE , arrive at 3.40 OE please , enter , Recovery Menu Eboot , the way
1. load down the file before
2. broken the file , get , folder , name , recoveryStarter
3. lead , folder , that get go to in , mem:/PSP/GAME150
4. this only , easy more boil the readymade noodle again ,
Its work , press at once reach , recovery mode , at once , can press , back , play , psp , you , convenient for you who must the convenience and reach , recovery mode , not very much , have no a problem anything.
Credits : Kamiyu
Sep 3, 2008

Color : Black
Product Code : PSP-1001K
Dimensions : Approximately 6.7 in (W) x 2.9 in (H) x .9 in (D)
Weight : Approximately 280g / .62 lbs (including battery)
CPU : PSP CPU (System clock frequency 1 - 333MHz)
Main Memory : 32MB
Embedded DRAM : 4MB
- 4.3 inch, 16:9 Wide screen TFT LCD
- 480 x 272 pixel, 16.77 million colors
- Maximum luminance 180 / 130 / 80cd/m2 (when using battery pack)
- Maximum luminance 200 / 180 / 130 / 80cd/m2 (when using AC adaptor)
Sound : Built-in stereo speakers
Main Input/Output
- IEEE 802.11b (Wi-Fi)
- USB 2.0 (mini-B)
- Memory Stick Duo?
- Infrared Port
Disc Drive : UMD Drive (Read only)
Main Connectors :
- Memory Stick Duo? Slot
- USB connector
- DC IN 5V connector
- Headset connector
Keys/Switches :
- Directional buttons (Up/Down/Right/Left)
- Analog Stick
- Enter keys (Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square)
- Left, Right shoulder buttons x 1
- START button, SELECT button, HOME button x 1
- POWER/HOLD switch x 1
- Display button, Sound button, Volume +/- buttons x 1
- Wireless LAN switch (ON/OFF) x 1
- OPEN latch (UMD) x 1
Power :
- Lithium-ion Battery
- AC Adaptor
Profile :
- PSP Game
- UMD Audio (profile name TBD)
- UMD Video (profile name TBD)
Codec :
- [Video]: "UMD": H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Main Profile Level3
- [Video]: "Memory Stick": MPEG-4 SP,AAC
- [Music]: "UMD": linear PCM,ATRAC3plus?
- [Music]: "Memory Stick": ATRAC3plus?,MP3(MPEG1/2 Layer3)
Security : (Encryption) 128bit AES (Copyright protection technology) MagicGate?
Access Control Region, Parental Control
Wireless :
- Infrastructure mode
- Ad hoc mode (connection up to 16 consoles)
PSP Value Pack
accessories :
- AC adaptor
- Battery pack
- Memory Stick Duo (32 MB)
- Headphone with remote control
- Soft case and cloth
- UMD In-pack Sampler
PSP is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Wireless internet connection and Memory Stick Duo? may be required for certain functionality. Player responsible for Wi-Fi fees.
Dissidia : Final Fantasy release date (PSP) Square-Enix
PSP 3000 in Japan on October 16th SCEJ

Insist layying sells of PSP 3000 generations will lay to sell in Japan s in date 16 October 2008 this
In 19,800 yen prices for ,
Version Standard Value Pack will 24,800 yen prices ( See picture )
Besides , still will have the Bundle Pack to take in tow the game comes to 3 with the group ,the group of the game
- Mobile Suit Gundam : Gundam Vs. Gundam , lay sell 20 November 2008 24,840 yen
- Patapon 2 prices lay to sell 27 November 2008 23,000 yen
- Dissidia : Final Fantasy prices s lay to sell 18 December 2008 25,890 yen prices ,
Compare PSP-3000 with PSP-2000
From the work: Leipzig Game Convention 2008, Sony have revelation , PSP New model PSP-3000 , Which onely this changing important generation is , monitor , LCD , of which , will help decrease the reflective light , and besides , as a result , still have sticking microphone gets down with , we have a picture compares with from , Famitsu , come to deposit.

Star Ocean The First Departure first English screen
SONY prepare market PSP-3000
* The monitor has done not reflect already ,
* A monitor will may is the screen touches ,
* There is the microphone in , may support , VoIP , such as , Skype
* There is a button , PS , instead of a button , Home
* Market date 15 October this ,
* 199 prices U in Europe , and 250 a dollar in the United States of America
Update game :The iDOLM@STER SP , from website : Famitsu , about 961 Productions with 3 Idol to master rival for Idol

For a version:
The Perfect Sun have Ganaha Hibiki

Hoshii Miki appear in Missing Moon

Shijyo Takane , appear in , Wondering Star

The iDOLM@STER SP (3 version)
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Devaloper: Bandai Namco
Platform: PSP
Genre: Simualtion
Rate : TBA
Price : TBA
Release : 2008
Official Site : http://www.idolmaster.jp/game_psp/imsp_title.html
CREDITS : pornoak

For a version:
The Perfect Sun have Ganaha Hibiki

Hoshii Miki appear in Missing Moon

Shijyo Takane , appear in , Wondering Star

The iDOLM@STER SP (3 version)
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Devaloper: Bandai Namco
Platform: PSP
Genre: Simualtion
Rate : TBA
Price : TBA
Release : 2008
Official Site : http://www.idolmaster.jp/game_psp/imsp_title.html
CREDITS : pornoak
Enterbrain: 10,005,546 PSP Sold In Japan
Enterbrain , disclose circulation game amount PSP. since , lay sell at Japan since , December 2007 until now can do the top has can to sell million 10 already the group , the success one ( part ) is from game circulation , Monster Hunter , see get from the circulation on Top 5 , game rank has a good sale , PSP , at Japan , be ranked both of 3 a part , game : Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII , as a result , restrain the rank that 3 game part , Phantasy Star Portable the supporter lays to sell when the end of a month July preceding ,as a result climb the rank upwards to arrive at 5 ranks.
1 Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G Capcom Mar 27, 2008 2,396,642
2 Monster Hunter Portable 2nd Capcom Feb 22, 20078 1,706,387
3 Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Square Enix Sep 13, 2007 790,705
4 Monster Hunter Portable Capcom Dec 1, 2005 668,964
5 Phantasy Star Portable Sega Jul 31, 2008 545,242
credit : psphyper
Sep 1, 2008
Famitsu game magazine Ranking Best PSP Game of the year 2007

1. Minna no Golf Portable 2
Famitsu Score : 10,10,8,9
Publisher : SCEJ
Developer : Clap Hanz
Category : Golf
Rate : E
Release : 06/12/2007
Official Site : http://www.jp.playstation.com/scej/title/mgp2/

2. Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida
Famitsu Score : 10,10,8,9
Publisher : SCEJ
Developer : Clap Hanz
Category : Golf
Rate : E
Release : 06/12/2007
Official Site : http://www.jp.playstation.com/scej/title/mgp2/

3. Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters
Famitsu Score : 9,9,8,9
Another Review Scores
1UP 7/10
Electronic Gaming Monthly 8.5/10
Edge Magazine UK 7/10
GameSpot 8.2/10
Gamespy 4.5/5
IGN 9/10
Play Magazine 9/10
PSM Magazine 8.5/10
Publisher : SCEA
Developer : High Impact Games
Category : Action
Rate : E
Release : 28/01/2007
Official Site : http://www.jp.playstation.com/scej/title/ratchetp/

4. Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
Famitsu Score : 9,9,8,9
Another Review Scores
1UP 7/10
Electronic Gaming Monthly 8.5/10
Edge Magazine UK 7/10
GameSpot 8.2/10
Gamespy 4.5/5
IGN 9/10
Play Magazine 9/10
PSM Magazine 8.5/10
Publisher : SCEA
Developer : High Impact Games
Category : Action
Rate : E
Release : 28/01/2007
Official Site : http://www.jp.playstation.com/scej/title/ratchetp/

5. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Famitsu Score : 9,9,8,9
Publisher : Square Enix
Developer : Square Enix
Category : Action
Rate : T
Release : 13/09/2007
Official Site : http://www.crisiscore.com/

6. Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus
Famitsu Score : 9,9,8,9
Publisher : Square Enix
Developer : Square Enix
Category : Action
Rate : T
Release : 13/09/2007
Official Site : http://www.crisiscore.com/

7. Patapon
Famitsu Score : 9,9,8,9
Publisher : SCEJ
Developer : SCEJ
Category : Adventure
Rate : E
Release : 20/12/2007
Official Site : http://www.jp.playstation.com/scej/title/patapon/

8. Monster Hunter Freedom 2
Famitsu Score : 9,8,9,8
Publisher : Capcom
Developer : Capcom
Category : Adventure
Rate : T
Release : 22/02/2007
Official Site : http://www.capcom.co.jp/monsterhunter/P2nd/

9. Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Portable 2
Famitsu Score : 9,8,9,8
Publisher : Capcom
Developer : Capcom
Category : Adventure
Rate : T
Release : 22/02/2007
Official Site : http://www.capcom.co.jp/monsterhunter/P2nd/

10. Chronicle of Dungeon Maker II
Famitsu Score : 9,8,9,8
Publisher : Global A Entertainment
Developer : Global A Entertainment
Category : RPG
Rate : E
Release : 06/12/2007
Official Site : http://www.gae.co.jp/game/codm2/

11. Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny: Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T. Portable
Famitsu Score : 9,8,9,8
Publisher : Global A Entertainment
Developer : Global A Entertainment
Category : RPG
Rate : E
Release : 06/12/2007
Official Site : http://www.gae.co.jp/game/codm2/

12. Burnout Dominator
Famitsu Score : 8,8,8,9
Another Review Scores
1UP 7.5/10
Eurogamer 8/10
Famitsu (Japan) 8.5/10
GameSpot 8.2/10
Gamespy 3/5
IGN 8.5/10
Publisher : EA
Developer : EA UK
Category : Racing
Rate : E
Release : 20/09/2007
Official Site : http://www.ea.com/burnout/dominator/

13. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Famitsu Score : 8,8,8,9
Another Review Scores
1UP 7.5/10
Eurogamer 8/10
Famitsu (Japan) 8.5/10
GameSpot 8.2/10
Gamespy 3/5
IGN 8.5/10
Publisher : EA
Developer : EA UK
Category : Racing
Rate : E
Release : 20/09/2007
Official Site : http://www.ea.com/burnout/dominator/

14. Gunpey
Famitsu Score : 9,8,7,8
Another Review Scores
1UP 8/10
GameSpot 7.7/10
Gamespy 2/5
IGN 4.2/10
PSM Magazine 6/10
Publisher : Namco Bandai
Developer : Q Entertainment
Category : Music Action
Rate : E
Release : 11/01/2007
Official Site : http://www.namcobandaigames.com/games/gunpey/

15. Virtua Tennis 3
Famitsu Score : 9,8,7,8
Another Review Scores
1UP 8/10
GameSpot 7.7/10
Gamespy 2/5
IGN 4.2/10
PSM Magazine 6/10
Publisher : Namco Bandai
Developer : Q Entertainment
Category : Music Action
Rate : E
Release : 11/01/2007
Official Site : http://www.namcobandaigames.com/games/gunpey/

16. Gundam Battle Chronicle
Famitsu Score : 8,8,8,8
Publisher : Bandai Namco
Developer : Bandai
Category : Action
Rate : E
Release : 04/10/2007
Official Site : http://www.bandaigames.channel.or.jp/list/psp_gundam_chronicle/

17. Lumines II
Famitsu Score : 8,8,8,7
Publisher : Buena Vista Games
Developer : Q Entertainment t
Category : Action
Rate : E
Release : 15/02/2007
Official Site : http://lumines.jp/lumines/index.html

18. Wild Arms XF
Famitsu Score : 8,8,8,7
Publisher : Buena Vista Games
Developer : Q Entertainment t
Category : Action
Rate : E
Release : 15/02/2007
Official Site : http://lumines.jp/lumines/index.html

19. R-Type Tactics
Famitsu Score : 8,9,7,7
Publisher : Irem
Developer : Irem
Category : Strategy
Rate : E
Release : 20/09/2007
Official Site : http://www.irem.co.jp/official/rtypetactics/index.html

20. Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords
Famitsu Score : 8,7,8,8
Another Review Scores
GameSpot 8.5/10
IGN 9/10
Publisher : D3 Publishing
Developer : Vicious Cycle
Category : Puzzle
Rate : E
Release : 27/09/2007
Official Site : -

21. Anato Wo Yurusanai
Famitsu Score : 8,7,8,8
Another Review Scores
GameSpot 8.5/10
IGN 9/10
Publisher : D3 Publishing
Developer : Vicious Cycle
Category : Puzzle
Rate : E
Release : 27/09/2007
Official Site : -

22. Star Ocean First Departure
Famitsu Score : 8,7,8,8
Publisher : Square Enix
Developer : Square Enix
Category : RPG
Rate : E
Release : 27/12/2007
Official Site : http://www.eternalsphere.com/so1/index.html

23. M.A.C.H.: Modified Air Combat Heroes
Famitsu Score : 8,7,8,7
Publisher : Vivendi Universal Games
Developer : Kuju Entertainment
Category : Simulation
Rate : E
Release : 18/01/2007
Official Site : http://www.machpsp.com/us/

24. Medal of Honor Heroes
Famitsu Score : 8,7,8,7
Publisher : Vivendi Universal Games
Developer : Kuju Entertainment
Category : Simulation
Rate : E
Release : 18/01/2007
Official Site : http://www.machpsp.com/us/

25. NBA Live 08
Famitsu Score : 7,8,8,7
Publisher : EA Sports
Developer : Ea Canada
Category : Sports
Rate : E
Release : 08/11/2007
Official Site : http://www.easports.com/nbalive08/

26. Silent Hill Origins
Famitsu Score : 7,8,8,7
Publisher : EA Sports
Developer : Ea Canada
Category : Sports
Rate : E
Release : 08/11/2007
Official Site : http://www.easports.com/nbalive08/
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